Sunday, November 28, 2010

All hands on deck! All eyes on Jesus!

Yet again another entry into the fraudulent world of the prosperity lie.  This false minister had the nerve to make a video saying:  "Watch me watch me watch me", but the devil is the fagther of lies.  In this season God is saying;  "All hands on deck, All eyes on Jesus.!"  Every available  believer in Christ is needed to stand up in one accord and make it plain that we do not follow men,(or women). We heed the voice of God through them but we do not look to another human being as the answer.  We take the medication that a doctor prescribes, we practice the principles that a school teacher gives us but we do not consider these individuals as our all in all.  Yet in the church world people feel the pastor is their key to God. Read your bibles, God gives Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Teachers, Elders and Deacons as well as Pastors.  come on folks, no one individual has all your answers.  Stop starting you sentances with: My pastor said, my Bishop said.  How about THE BIBLE SAYS! Do not make an idol of another flesh and blood person because idols fall. A statue was erected in my city of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And a Christian man bowed down and kissed the ground in front of it.   No disrespect to the King family but Martin King is still dead.  He did not get up on the third day with ALL Power in heaven and earth in his hands.  He was but an instrument used by God in his seaon  which was over 40 years ago.  Jesus is the bread of heaven, the living water, a very present help in trouble and a soon coming King.  How dare we raise mere mortals to status that equals His. God is calling, can you hear His voice.  All hands,  every available man woman boy and girl, come up on the deck.  Get on God;s page.  Learn His agenda.  It is ALL about His Son. All hands on deck, all aboard, clear your vision.  Stop mising the forrest because of the trees.  All eyes on Jesus Christ. Develop your personal relationship with Him.  If you don't and you keep elevating men, they will continue to fall and disappoint you. Even as you read this, please hear the Holy Spirit and do not even consider me I am just the Prophetic Scribe(writer) doing my assignment. I say again:  It is not about the car you drive or the house you live in. It is about a personal relationship with The living Savior.  Use this season to get to know Him for yourself, so you may tell someone else of His wonderful love. Black folk,  slavery has been ended for many years yet many of us still have a mentality of needing the massa, well it is not your pastor  it is THE Master of heaven and earth and skies, the One whom the elements obey.  Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


No one likes to be deceived, but it happens.  Often it is so subtle that you are way in over your head before you realize what has taken place. And you wonder how you got there. Deception is slick and crafty.  Often there is enough truth mixed in with the falicies so that only the very astute figure out early on that they are lambs being led to the slaughter. Consider if you will on this day mega ministries and their mega ministers. I will not name names but you know who I am reffering to.  They have  large churches with several services each Sunday.  They have television broadcasts and books galore at your local book stores.  They razzle and dazzlre and seem larger than life.  And operate like Hollywood celebreties with their enterage of assistants and body guards. They appear on talk shows and while they claim to be promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they actually are giving a plug for themselves.   A common thread is that they tell you that if you read their books, buy their video and audio tapes, give money to their minitry then you will be guaranteed the same financial success that they have. How many men and women have purchased the books and tapes, followed these people weekly on television traveled all over the country to attend their seminars, conferences, convocations and conventions yet have not experienced the promised change in life circumstances?  Consider this if you will. When Satan tempted Christ in the wilderness, he offered Him the entire world if Jesus would just bow down to him. If  an individual is purporting to be a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ yet suggests you follow them, contribute to their particular ministry, emulate their actions do their 10 step plan, purchase their book ot tape and imply or even guarantee your success, they are the spawn of Satan. A true believer/minister will always point you to God's word and to a personal relationship with the Savior.  Do not be deceived by the wolves in sheeps clothing. There is not a human being on earth who can guarantee you anything, unless they have been given a specific prophetic word from Almighty God for you. No one can promise your best life now or that your later days will be better than your former days because they do not even know if they will take their next breath in the land of the living. Be careful, because all that glitters is not gold. Pray for the spirit of discernment. Pay close attention as to whether Jesus is being lifted up or thrown in at the end like a consolation prize. If a preacher tells jokes and tickle people's fancy for an hour, what has he or she done that anyone would want to come to salvation at the end of their message?  If you are listeing to someone tell their life story or brag on personal posessions this is not the gospel. Please my brothers and sisters learn the difference between a feel good pep talk, philosophy, psychology and sociology and the true pure unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Colosians 1:9 amplified bible: For this reason we also from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make special request for you asking that you may be filled with the full deep and clear knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom, in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things. Please pray this scripture for yourself your loved ones and spiritual leaders. Desire to be on God's page and know His will. He will give you revelation knowledge and strength to walk away from false ministers and ministries.  Don't be taken in by razzle and dazzle, glitter and glamour. Learn the difference between entertainment and the true presence of God. Do not be deceived. Be ye separate and come from among them.  Thanks for your time and knowI love you with the love of Christ.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What If

If you were blog surfing today it is no accident that you came upon this message. perhaps today you are conflicted regarding religion and spirituality.  You may be an Atheist or Agnostic, wondering why so many people believe in this man named Jesus.  Before you dismiss Christianity as a fable or myth, I ask you to do one thing. Find out for yourselfe while you are in the land of the living because;  What if it is all true. what if you die and because you rejected Jesus Christ you find yourself in eternal torment with no chance of escape?  There are those and i used to be one of them who said , "Die and find out", but once this life is over there is no cominbg back, no second chance.  Therefore if Christianity is indeed a fingment of the imagination, and when we die it is all over, and there is no after life, then belief in Jesus does not matter.  If everyone "good" goes to heaven anyway, then accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior will not make a difference. If all religions are the same and all paths lead to God then there is no point in choosing to follow Christ, but; What if, it is true that Jesus was crucified and rose again in 3 days.  What if He indeed is the only path to God and eternal life?  Do you really want to take that chance? So today I ask you, if you are so certain Christianity is  foolishness, then prove it, right now while you are in the land of the living.  I dare you to call of Jesus, ask Him to reveal Himself to you, and see what happens. If you humbly ask Him to show you that He is real, I believe He will.  Ask Him into your heart, what have you got to lose?  How many times in this life have you been told to follow certain steps and they guaranteed a great weight loss, or that you would be wealthy and you only found disapointement? I cannot promise ypu anything except that God Almighty through faith in Jesus Christ His Son and the power of His Holy Spirit will reveal Himself to you if you ask in faith.  After that it is a personal walk. Will you take the chance today?  Just say this:  God if You are real and where I spend eternity is determined by faith in Your Son Jesus Christ, I ask You to make Yourself known  to me today.  Show me that You are real.  Jesus I want to know the truth.  Come into y heart and let me know You for myself. What have you got to lose by trying.  And please email me at  and let me know the outcome.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

That's Entertainment

The Bugs Bunny Road Runner show used to come on with:  "Overtures, dim the lights this is it the night of nights.  No more rehearsing and nursing a part, we know every part by heart". The last line was "Oh what heights we'll hit.  On with the show this is it!" Many churches today are more Show time at the Appolo instead of teaching about the blood of Jesus. And the people love  it.  There are buildings where everyone knows their part by heart and you can tell what is coming before it happens. There are ministries that bring in the new sensations in Christian entertainment.  The latest and greatest singers dancers speakers who are living his or her 15 minutes of fame.  How does any of this change one life and lead any one to salvation  through Jesus Christ our Lord? Pastors have become ring masters trying to make their side show the  greatest show on earth. Nero fiddled while Rome burned and the church is playing games while people are dying and their souls condemend to burn in Hell. The next time you exit an alleged church service, consider this.  If you heard about the goodness of Jesus, how He gave His life on Calvary to save your soul from Satan, and you were told about the power in His Nane and His blood. And a call was given for sinners to give their lives to the Savior, then you lisened to a true gospel message.  But if you heard how great the pastor is and that this church is better than others, and you saw dancing prancing shoutung jumping and running, you have been deceived.  If you were told you must connect to a man and a ministry, and you heard nothing about salvation through Christ, and the message was on how you represent God well when you have money, and you should make your pastor a millionaire, you better head for the hills. If you were told to scream, jump 10 times reach up anad grab your blessing because it's on the way it's on the way it's on the way, That's not the true church, that my friend is entertainement! The church is 2 or 3 gathered in His Name, focusing on HIM and giving Him all the glory honor and praise.  Anything else and you have been punked. Make a choice today. Where is your heart?  Do you desire the mega church with  te overflow room where the attitude is: "Let me entertain you, let me make you smile, I can do a few tricks some old and some new tricks I'm very versatile."  Or will you choose a small gathering of those who love  the Lord?  Do you desire to enter His presence or be entertained!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Who it's all about, Jesus the Christ the Son of the living God

John 3:16 says: For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. This is the Christian message. Not religion but a personal relationship with Jesus. He is not a dead memory but a living Savior.  Romans 10:9,10 tells us: If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved. From Genesis to Revelation the bible is all about Jesus.  Sure there are multiple stories along the way but the common thread  starting from the fall of man when Adam ate the forbidden fruit , is that God had a backup plan. Adam's poor choice gave lisence to Satan to take over thr earth, but 42 Generations from the first man, Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life,  ministered for 3 years from age 30-33, was crucified on a cross, rose from the dead 3 days later with ALL POWER in heaven and earth in His hands.  And now sits at the right hands of the Father, interceeding on our behalf until he returns for His chosen.  If you are unsure of your Salvation today let me tell you what it is not. My grandmother used to say that a person can go down in the baptismal pool a dry devil an get out a wet devil.  Water baptism does not save.  It is an act of obedience once you have accepted Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.  Belonging to a church is not salvation.  Many sitting in buildings will be left behind when the Lord returns. My husband and I once heard a preacher say that he pastored a church for 3 years and was not even saved.  How can you lead the people where you  yourself have not been?  If you are not sure of your salvation, today you can be absolutely certain.  Hebrews 11:1 says without faith it is impossible to please Him.  So by faith today say this  out loud:  Jesus I believe You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.  I believe you were born of a virgin, led a sinless life, were crucified on the cross and rose again, I  believe that on the confession of my faith I am now saved from Satan's grip and assured of eternity with You. Fill me now with your precious Holy Spirit so I may hear and obey Your voice and live our my purpose in this life for You.

Congratulations you are now my brother or sister in Christ. From this point on know that Jesus is with you and will lead and guide you.  Ask the Father in Jesus Name to show you  where He wants to you assemble with other believers.  Ask for the spirit of discernment so that you are not tricked by false doctrines. If you have made your decision or rededicated because of what you read here, please let me know.  The bible says ther angels in heaven rejoice when one person gives theri life to the Lord.  I want to rejoice with them.  Please email me at  And welcome to the family.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Remember the purpose

It has been said that when you do not know the purpose of  a thing, you will abuse it.  This is why there is so much verbal, financial, sexual and spiritual authority abuse within the Household of Faith(believers in Jesus as Lord and Savior). The purpose of the church is to share the good news of the gospel, offer salvation baptize new believers, get them filled with the Holy Spirit and help them mature in their Christian walk so they may lead others to Christ.  This will cause us to function as the first believers and add to the church daily.  This is not about adding to the numbers on the role of your ministry or church building.  When we share the gospel and tell of the Saviour's love, those who believe are added to the Lamb's book of life. Somehow we have gotten off track. Everyone wants to do their own thing and say God called them to this or that, but all Christans are called minister the good news of Jesus. We are all one body in one Household of Faith, yet there are many denominations, and varying traditions and interpretations of scripture. We get caught up in our turn to usher or our Sunday to sing lead. And planing family fun day and the church picnic.  Nothing wrong with any of that but the word tells us the Father's  heart is for lost souls to be won to the kingdom.  In Mark chapter 16 Jesus says that signs will follow those who believe.  These signs are not living in a mansion and driving a Rolls Royce.  Jesus said all who believe in Him will speak in new tongues, cast out devils, lay hands on the sick and they will recover and if we take up anything deadly it will not hurt us. We should be healing the sick and raising the dead, not only visiting the sick and burying the dead. Hold your spiritual leaders accountable. Watch for the signs Jesus spoke about.  Jumping running and falling out in the floor during a church service is not truly God's power in action.  We must get out of the entertainment business.  We have not been called to operrate as show time at the Apollo. We have been called to do greater works and show case the power of the Savior witin us. Pray for the Spirit of discernment.  Learn the difference between a good performance and someone singing, dancing, preaching praying in the life changing power of the Holy Spirit. Thre purpose of the church is not to make your first family live like celebrities. Ministers are servants and should serve.  Church is not about preachers and their spouses smiling and profiling advertising themselves on billboards and commercials. It's not about riding in a limo ot flying in a jet.  For lay people the church is not a club you join.  It is not about fashion shows and Christian comics and 10 year old preachers.  And just because somone is on television and has a  large church with many services does not necessarily mean they are preaching the true gospel of Jesus. How dare any of us use the building or minsitry wer say is His, for our own selfish purposes. The church is the body of believers walking in the signs outlined in Mark 16 and adding daily to the Household of Faith until He returns.  When  everyone flows in their role it will be just like the physical body.  The legs walk the mouth talks the hands reach, the eyes see.  Find your gift  know your purpose and use it, don't abuse it. Be blessed in Jesus Name.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Soul Winning

Proverbs 11:30 tells us that winning souls is wise.  And Matthew 9:-38 says we are to pray the Lord of the Harvest thrusts laborers into the harvest fields.  The harvest is lost souls.  Those who do not know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Christian Church today has in many cases become about building personal ministries, mega churches and making pastors millionaires.   The only reason we have the "church" is because Jesus Christ shed His blood on Calvary for our sins, and He rose with all power in heaven and earth in His hands.  It is time to get back to winning souls.  Sharing Jesus with people. Leaving bible tracts whereever possible. Making the focus of our websites salvation.  There is nothing wrong with motivating people to find their destiny and purpose, but without faith in Jesus it is all in vain.  What good is having money, a mansions a private jet if when you leave this life you spend eternity in the flames of hell. Jesus Himself said in Mark 8:36, What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose your soul? Much of the mess in the body of Christ today is because we have  lost our first love.  We must get back to telling the good news of the Gospel of Jesus; the virgin birth, the crucifixion and ressurection power ofour soon coming Lord Savior and King of all Kings. We need to be wise and be about our Father's business.  The central focus of Intercessory prayer should be that the gosple is preached in all the world as a witness.  The main event in churches should not be comics and entertainement but that one soul walking down the aisle to give their life to the Lord.  It's not about titles, and positions it is about Jesus and what He did for us. As Christians every day should be Christmas and Ressurection.  Every day of the week is SON-day. Lead someone into the SON-light today, so the SON can rise in their life..  And you will be glad my friend when you lead someone to open up their heart and let the SON shine in.(SELAH)


Within the body of Christ there has been much abuse regarding finances.  There are minsitries that tell their members to give to make the pastor a millionaire.  There are television preachers who promise that if you give a certain amount God is going to heal you or save your loved ones. We see these preachers living lavish lifestyles while those who gave to them often go without. And many have  been disappointed because they gave the money and did not get the promised miracle.  I personally attended two churches where there was more emphasis on making the pastors rich that on the gospel or  helping the poor.  It put such a distaste in my mouth that I said I would do everything on my own and never ask anyone for a dime.  A fellow minister pointed out to me that ministry does cost time and money and suggested I add a donate button, so that if the Lord led someone  to give, the opportunity would be available.  So if you believe you have been blessed by what you find on this site, and are led by the Lord, you may donate the amount of your choosing, minimun is $1.00, via paypal. I thank you in advance.  Donated money will ensure Internet and radio ministry of the Gosple of Jesus Christ through Household of Faith/Nebhi'ah Ministries will continue.(the radio ministry is in the works) .  As I feel I have been manipulated, I have no desire manipulate anyone else. Therefore the opportunity to donate is here if you so choose.  Be blessed in Jesus Name.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Household of Faith

Galations 6:10 tells us that we should do good to all men, especially those who are of the Household of Faith. This refers to the body of Christ, the believers in Jesus as Lord and Savior. If you are tired of religion and even of church(the organized meetings inside gthe buildings) you can operate as one in the Household of Faith based on you personal realtionship with Jesus. Ask Him  into your heart, to forgive  your sins.  Adk to be filled with the Holy Spirit and for God to reveal himslef through His Son and His Word.  He will lead and guide you into all truth.  Be blessed.